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Saturday, April 11, 2009


(This is from a post I wrote somewhere else yesterday.)

When does a first grader's diorama become a Mom-a-rama?

So there is this interesting issue that has come up with my friends. Many of us have first graders that have been assigned a diorama based on a habitat of some kind. I learned of this from a friend of mine on the day it was assigned. I hadn't even looked at the take-home-folder, yet, when she asks, "So what did you get?"


"Diorama," she continues. "My son got the ocean, but if we were lucky it would have been the arctic! Snow, snow, snow."

I laugh and forget about it.

The next day, "So what'd ya get?"


I still didn't know, but now I was getting that ol' competitive feeling. My friend is a talented and cool mom and it is easy to try to keep up with her. I think she feels the same way (at least about the competitive angle) and was really funny when she kept stopping herself from revealing 'secrets' to her good diorama. I started laughing.

I immediately got a hundred great ideas for an ocean diorama, but just as immediately realized that it wasn't my assignment. I said that to my friend, but she laughed and said, "Yeah, right. And then I tell you all about our project and you amp up yours by tenfold."

I laughed again. (It really did sound like something I would do... or at least think of doing!)

So, instead I suggested that we do our own dioramas and submit them along with our (child concept and completed) dioramas. I even jokingly called them Mom-a-rama's.

Here's where it gets tricky.

Suddenly (as in the next day) I heard several other moms talking about the diorama. One mom spent what sounded like $50 on her child's project. (I think my mouth was open a little when I heard that...) Another mom looked absolutely disgusted that anyone would do more than watch their child make it.

I asked my daughter in an off-hand manner (at least I tried), "Got any ideas for your diorama?"

She did! A lot. The media teacher at her school had given them a ton of examples and suggestions. She said she has a good idea of what she wants.

I've come to this resolution: I'll let her do her diorama, giving technical assistance when asked. But, I'm going to re-suggest to my friends (whose kids have the same assignment) that we do our Mom-a-rama's and show each other. Maybe it will get that creative energy out that some of us seem to have in excess! Wish me luck!


I started my Mom-a-rama, but I didn't get any further than a background color and a half-formed turtle... The kids insisted I help them (which means schlepping supplies and cleaning brushes!). Grace wouldn't even THINK of using mine for her diorama. (I was a little insulted, but she just had to be like Liv and do it herself... ergh.)

So, I recycyled my start into the girls' Betas' background... looking gooooddddd....

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